Ahh the old scrambled eggs, so simple I hear you say… yet so easy to get wrong. Follow these foolproof instructions for a blow your mind breakfast.

10 min
5 min
4 pers
United Kingdom
- 4 eggs
- 50ml Milk
- 1 Tablespoon Creme Fraiche
- 1 Tablespoon of Butter
- 1 Teaspoon of Salty B*tch Kimchi Salt
- Dash of Black Pepper
- Watercress to serve
- 1 Tablespoon of Rapeseed oil
- 1 Teaspoon of Lemon
- Heat a knob of butter in a non-stick frying pan over a low heat
- Whisk up your eggs with a splash of milk
- Whisk together the rapeseed oil, a good pinch of kimchi salt, black pep and a squeeze of lemon. Toss the watercress in this.
- Toast the sourdough
- Once the butter has melted and has a little bubble or two appearing (but not brown!), pour eggs into the frying pan and prepare to stir
- I’m not saying you have to stir this NON STOP but the more you can keep stirring it the better. Think of the good it will do for your bingo wings if nothing else (I told you we can all be salty b*tches when we want to!)
- The more you can stir the eggs and fold them into each other the better, the first 30-60 seconds or so doesn’t have to be nonstop but as soon as they appear to start changing consistency make sure you stir them every 10-15 seconds. You want to take it to the point where the eggs are softly set and slightly runny in places.
- Take off the heat and stir a heaped spoonful of creme fraiche through them.
- Butter your toasted sourdough, spoon the eggs on top and scatter a good pinch of kimchi salt over the top. Serve with the watercress on the side.